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  • Do You Work with Everybody that Reaches Out to You?
    We don't. Typically we accept about 70% of the people that reach out to us as new clients. We make that determination based on the presenting issue, the person's history, whether or not we think it's a good match for our specific practice, the person's communication style, and various other potential factors. In some cases, we don't need to do a phone consult to know that it isn't going to be a good match. This isn't personal at all. Often, individuals aren't scheduled for a consult call because they don't follow the standard instructions for scheduling a consult call that we provide to everyone that reaches out to us. When these instructions are not followed precisely, we cannot obtain the necessary information to schedule the call, resulting in the consult call not being booked. Our goal is to maximize your healing and if we think that we may not be able to help you do that (for whatever reason), or that there there isn't an alignment in terms of goals and values, then we don't move forward. Our Values: Integrity, Respect, Love, Healing, Clarity and Wisdom. Always.
  • What is Hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation we enter into every day — while we’re reading, watching TV, falling asleep, waking up, and daydreaming. It is a state of highly focused attention and creativity. Being in hypnosis is incredibly relaxing and usually brings a sense of peace and well-being.
  • What is Hypnotherapy?
    Hypnotherapy is the name for applying transformational techniques while in a state of hypnosis.
  • What Is Holistic Mental Health and What Does It Have to Do With Hypnotherapy?
    Holistic Mental Health is the art and science of healing that addresses you as a whole person – body, mind, and spirit. This is an emerging approach to mental healthcare that considers the underlying biological, psychological, environmental, and social factors contributing to your mental health. Along with our Hypnotherapy site here, we recommend that prospective clients also visit and explore our Education & Training site to get a little deeper view into how we work and all of the projects we are working on across Canada & the world. Learn more about our approaches and work at
  • What makes for successful Hypnotherapy sessions?
    The greatest factor is you. We find that the clients that are the most successful share some common traits that include, but aren't limited to; -Being deeply committed to their transformation -Being courageous about facing what's not working for them in their lives -Having a deep desire to change -Feeling a desire to work on themselves and aren't looking for "quick fixes" -Being honest with themselves -Having an openness and curiosity about themselves and their lives -Being coachable/teachable and want to learn ways to live better -Wanting and committing to developing emotional flexibility
  • How do I get permanent results from Hypnotherapy?
    As with any good holistic practitioners, we work with you to heal the root cause of your issue(s). When people can heal the core issue, they almost always find rapid and lasting relief from symptoms. Hypnotherapy works to identify core limiting beliefs that often date back to childhood and directly change them out for more empowered perspectives. Guiding you to your own internal wisdom to generate these alternative perspectives is a key aspect of the work, and to generate the healing answers for yourself is also great at building self-esteem. Core beliefs are simply deep-set thoughts that are often outside of your conscious awareness. When you can bring these core issues to light for yourself, you have the power to change them. And when you heal your thinking at a core level, mental and emotional peace naturally follow. We recommend that clients plan to do five sessions on any issue. This is to ensure that we are being as comprehensive as possible at addressing and resolving all the root layers of people's issues.
  • How many sessions will I need to do?
    We recommend that clients plan to do five sessions on an issue they are working on. This allows the time and space to be as comprehensive as possible. Everyone is individual and coming to the table with their own unique circumstances, life experiences, learning style, personality, and history. We work with our clients to get the best results possible as quickly as possible, and support our clients to do their best work and direct their own healing trajectory. Request a consult call to discuss with us your particular situation and we can make suggestions about how to best move forward with session work.
  • Do you recommend a Consult Call?
    YES, absolutely. Our years of experience have shown that a short call before booking your first session sets you up for real success on your healing journey. It allows a few moments for us to determine if working together is the best way forward. It also allows us the chance to talk out what working together should look like based on your personal situation. Knowing what to expect allows you the chance to make empowered decisions about how you can get the most out of our work together.
  • Are you doing in-office sessions yet?
    No. As of April 2020 (the beginning of the pandemic) we are strictly an online service. We see clients by either Google Meet or sometimes WhatsApp video/voice calls. We have no intention at this time of going back to working with our clients in an office setting. By working with us online you are able to experience maximum comfort from home and are able to rest after your session without having to get up and travel from our office to your next destination. We find this to be the ideal set up for you to do your healing work.
  • Are Hypnotherapy Services covered by Private Insurance or OHIP?
    Our services are not covered by either OHIP or private insurance plans. They are strictly an out-of-pocket expense.
  • How much are sessions?
    Please also see our Plans & Pricing Page for all of our pricing information. *Please note that before scheduling a Couples Counseling session both parties must schedule and complete either an individual Hypnotherapy or Holistic Counseling session BEFORE attending a Couples Counseling session.
  • Is Hypnosis similar to meditation?
    The state of hypnosis is essentially the same state of mind individuals strive for during meditation. What is the difference? In meditation, one generally seeks to clear the mind of all thoughts while in the clear and focused state; whereas in hypnosis, one is generally there to use the power of that state for a specific transformational purpose.
  • Is the client aware during the process or in a dream like/trance state?
    Hypnosis is a spectrum with different depths. We work in lighter and medium states, which is like having your eyes closed, being deeply relaxed, and being in a state of rich visualization. But you are always aware of where you are in the situation and you are always in control.
  • What does Hypnosis do?
    Hypnosis reduces or eliminates the activity of the conscious mind, calms the nervous system, and allows the benefits of a relaxed, focused state to come to the surface. In hypnosis there is an enhanced ability to: -Access deep self-knowledge and wisdom -Experience natural ease, well-being, and grace -Step out of a negative thought pattern or perspective -See a more positive perspective, to embody hope, to release attachment to outcome, and to forgive -Revisit and reinterpret memories from the past in a broader, more supportive context -Reveal emotions that may be associated with and causing psychosomatic illness -Influence physiological processes through visualization (such as in Medical Hypnotherapy)
  • What is the conscious mind?
    The conscious mind is the name given to describe a certain set of mental functions in the waking state. Typically when we talk about the conscious mind, we are talking about the analytical part of the mind — it is the part of us that judges, analyzes, scrutinizes and filters the information and experiences we encounter. ​ Our conscious mind is where we experience our running “stream of consciousness”, our self-talk, our fears, our doubts, and our sense of limitations. The conscious mind is rooted in what we generally think of as “reality” and generally only believes things to be possible when they make logical sense in the context of our past experiences. When the conscious mind is relaxed, and its functions subside, anything is possible. This is what happens when we dream at night — the most fantastical dreams of flying or other seemingly impossible feats and circumstances seem completely feasible and we believe them to be real. This is because the conscious mind is out of the way – dreams occur in the subconscious.
  • What is the subconscious mind?
    The subconscious mind is a name used to describe a certain set of mental functions that occur below our level of conscious awareness. These activities occur regardless of being awake or asleep. The dream state is a great insight into the function of this so-called subconscious. ​ The subconscious mind does not judge or filter experiences. It believes what it is told and generally holds onto those beliefs permanently. The subconscious is where all our memories and beliefs are stored, where our emotions are generated, and where our imagination lies. ​ As children, we generally don’t have very developed conscious filters before the age of 10, explaining why children believe much of what they are told. Children don’t yet have enough life experience by which to judge or filter new information as being correct or reasonable. This is why so many of our emotional challenges as adults lie in events or circumstances from our childhood. Parents who don’t show love to their children or who abuse their children verbally or otherwise can cause deep-rooted negative beliefs in the child about the self and the world. Common examples include believing that they are inadequate, undeserving, unloveable, unimportant, unvalued, unappreciated, unworthy, etc.
  • What is your Rescheduling, Cancellation, and Refund Policy?"
    We require at least 48 hours advance notice for any changes to your appointment. There are absolutely NO refunds or reschedules with less than 24 hours notice. A new session must be scheduled and paid for. Being more than10 minutes late for the session without 24 hours notice and agreement from us is considered a forfeiture of the session.
  • So what makes Hypnosis so powerful?
    Hypnosis opens up the subconscious mind to the way it was when we were children – malleable and open to changes in belief. This is extremely powerful since it allows a skilled hypnotherapist to literally assist you to undo damage that was done through a misinterpretation of earlier life experiences. ​ While regular psychotherapy (talk therapy) allows you to understand on an intellectual level how an earlier life experience affects your current psychology (and in the process provides some empowerment), hypnotherapy targets the actual experience, reframes how it is perceived, and completely changes the associated emotional context and resultant belief. ​ Working with the subconscious mind directly also allows incredible changes to occur physiologically. There exists a very strong connection between the subconscious mind and our physical body. Science is only beginning to understand the mechanisms of these connections, yet in the meantime we have found that simple hypnotic and visualization methods can improve or eliminate a large range of medical conditions.
  • How deep will I go?
    MOST Important to understand is that "depth" in hypnotherapy is not in any way correlated to effectiveness of hypnotherapy. But since you asked, How deep you will go, depends on a variety of factors: ​ The strength of your desire or motivation to reach your transformational goal. The more you really want to achieve whatever it is you are seeking hypnotherapy for, the more “on board” your whole being will be with engaging in the process. The level of comfort and trust you have with your hypnotherapist (rapport). Allowing another person to guide you through the hypnosis experience can make some people feel vulnerable, particularly if they have never experienced hypnosis before and don’t know what to expect. Naturally, allowing yourself to go to deeper levels of relaxation and comfort requires a certain level of trust and confidence in your hypnotherapist. It is important to follow your gut instincts when choosing a hypnotherapist. Also, it helps to seek a hypnotherapist that describes a life and healing philosophy that matches your own. A hypnotherapist with a value set close to your own will act synergistically to accelerate the change you are seeking.​​ Your previous experience with hypnosis or meditation. The ability to go into hypnosis, like meditation or any other activity in our lives, improves with practice. Individuals who experience multiple sessions of hypnosis usually experience successively deeper hypnotic states. Each session is training for the mind, and as someone has reaches a certain depth in their first session, the feeling of that state is often noted in the mind as a reference point from which they can go deeper during the next session. For individuals with some apprehension of the process, this increase in depth is also likely caused by increasing levels of trust in the hypnotherapist, and a realization of how incredibly enjoying the hypnotic state feels.​​ If you have any negative, preconceived ideas about hypnosis that you have not had resolved with your hypnotherapist in your pre-session talk (pre-talk), you may not be completely open to the experience. This resistance can cause mental distraction from the focus required to both experience deeper levels of hypnosis, and achieve your therapeutic goals. People have a wide range of natural skill or flexibility in shifting states. Some people go into a very deep hypnotic state during their very first experience, while others may take several sessions before getting to that point. The reasons for this variation in individuals likely depends on a number of factors, some of which incorporate some of the factors described above – personality (how trusting you are in general), ability to relax, stress level, and right brain-left brain dominance (highly creative and imaginative people often engage in the process more easily) are some of the commonly accepted factors.
  • Do I need to go into "deep" Hypnosis to achieve my goals?
    Definitely not. Most of the work can be done in a light state of hypnosis, where you're actively participating in the process and emerge fully aware of what transpired. For most of our work lighter states are actually the preferred state. However, deep trance is beneficial under some circumstances. People sometimes come to the work with a preconceived idea about what hypnotherapy is, usually based on something they saw in a stage hypnosis show. These are very different things.
  • What does being in Hypnosis feel like?
    As you go into hypnosis, you will feel a deepening relaxation. A good state of hypnosis is similar to that wonderful feeling of just gaining awareness as you wake up in the morning. Your body is still very much asleep, and your conscious range of awareness is very narrow, but perhaps focused on a dream, an idea, a feeling or an image. Physiologically, going into hypnosis is similar to falling asleep, except with hypnosis, your mind stays aware while your body goes to sleep. During hypnosis, you will likely lose total awareness of your body, as your mind is completely focused on whatever is being discussed at the time. When you do turn attention to your body, you will often feel like it is extremely heavy. Your heart rate has slowed down, your breathing has slowed, and your body temperature will have dropped slightly. At the end of the session, when you emerge from the hypnotic state, you may not be able to move your body for the first few moments. Your mind typically wakes up first, then your body, and you have the desire to stretch out, just as if waking up from a nap. After the session is over, you will typically feel so relaxed that it can feel like you’ve just had a full body massage. Your stress levels will be very low, you will feel very calm, peaceful, and centered.
  • Will I cluck like a chicken? Bark like a dog?
    I mean, if you really want to...but we generally prefer that you don't. Many of us have seen a stage hypnosis show, or know someone who took part in such a show. Stage hypnosis is purely for entertainment and utilizes a very deep state of hypnosis that not everyone enters into naturally. Stage hypnosis is an excellent display of the sheer power and malleability of the subconscious mind when the function of the conscious mind is temporarily suspended. These experiences are far removed from clinical hypnosis which is a well recognized and serious therapeutic modality. Everything done in a therapeutic session is done in complete cooperation and agreement with you, the client. Hypnotherapy clients usually feel a sense of awareness throughout their sessions and are able to recall what transpired. Occasionally some individuals in deep hypnosis will experience a natural amnesia and will not remember portions of the session.
  • Does hypnotherapy work independently or can it be combined with talk therapy?
    It works independently, and also works wonderfully in combination with standard talk therapy. Revelations and insights from talk therapy can be “downloaded” in hypnotherapy to the deeper, emotional levels of the mind. It’s a great combo.
  • Do any medications interfere with hypnotherapy?
    While there doesn’t seem to be any research conducted on this topic, our experience has been that clients who are on psychopharmaceuticals may sometimes have reduced ability to visualize and make emotional connection to memories and imagery. The success of hypnotherapy is closely tied to these two abilities, and so yes, these types of medications can sometimes interfere. But not always. We have worked successfully with many clients who were still able to achieve powerful insights and breakthroughs while on prescription anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications. Each drug and each person are unique, so if you are concerned about this, just ask.
  • Am I in control through the whole process?
    You can think of it like being guided through a guided visualization. There are no control dynamics because overwhelmingly you are generating the content for your own experience and transformation.
  • What are your recommendations if I am interested in Hypnotherapy for my child/teen?
    Years of experience have shown us that most often children learn their coping strategies from their parents, families, and the other people around them. Because Hypnotherapy is a deeply holistic approach we understand that stress, anxiety, depression, behaviours, and even some physical symptoms are expressions of a larger dynamic. In many cases we find that the best way to start doing hypnotherapy for a child or teen is for the parents to work on their issues first or simultaneous to the child. In this way the healing and resolution is a "global" experience. Hypnotherapy is very often not an effective approach for children under a certain age. Typically 12 to 14 is an acceptable range to start but that depends on various factors. Please feel free to schedule a call with us to discuss the particulars of your situation.
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